Encyclopedia of birds

The path from beginner to expert bird feeding hobbyist is just five steps long

Views : 439
Update time : 2023-08-24 11:45:09
The path from beginner to expert bird feeding hobbyist is just five steps long.

Step 1: Offer feeder-free bird food to discover which foods work.
The basis for everything else in bird feeding is an understanding of which foods actually attract the birds in your yard. You first need to put out a variety of foods, with no feeders to obstruct the birdsview. Offer samples of all the basic foods to entice as many species as possible. Then study Chapter 3 to identify the birds that have accepted each of the foods.

Step 2: Continue to offer the foods that worked.
Which foods were eaten, and which birds brought you the greatest pleasure? Based on your observations, you can decide which foods you want to continue providing; this knowledge in turn will guide your purchase of appropriate feeders. If you want even more out ofthe hobby, you can move on to step 3.

Step 3: Consider the 12 elements of a thoughtful bird feeding station.
This is where the fun really begins! By keeping these 12 elements in mind, you can become a thoughtfully strategic bird feeder, considering exactly which food and feeder combinations are most likely to bring in daily, seasonal, and rare birds. You will be thoughtful about where to place your feeders, how to create an inviting and safe environment for the birds, and how to solve basic problems.

Step 4: lmprove your habitat to attract even more birds.
At this point in your journey, you want to look at ways to improve your overall habitat to provide natural food, water, cover, and places to raise young.

Step 5: Become seasonally savvy.
Now you'll focus on getting even more in tune with the natural world. You will learn to expand and scale back your food and feeder set-up with the sea-sons. As you learn the annual patterns of migrating birds, you can anticipate their arrival and departure in spring and fall, changing your food and feeders to accommodate their annual movements.You will be ready for big eventssuch as blizzards,ice storms,and drought
What time of year isbest to start feedingthe birds?
lt is okay to start offeringfood any day of the year,but your results mightdiffer from one seasonor another because ofmigration and otherfactors. Overall, a goodtime to start feeding iswhen seasons change,especially summer to falland winter to spring. Butremember: Any day youdecide to start is a goodday, because you are nowfeeding the birds!

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